Sometimes you want to try to explain something, but "explaining" just won't work. It gets too complicated. That's when I turn to story-telling. These short stories (I'm still digging them out of storage to publish them here.) have been my attempts to put into a narrative form my thoughts and feelings about various things throughout the course of my ministry. I hope you find them at least a little edifying.

Judgment Day!

This short story grew out of my meditations on Jesus’ command to “Enter by the narrow gate.” It was Judgment Day! It seemed that Drael

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The Rock

Once upon a time, there was a rock. The Rock had stood alone and proud at the top of the mountain for as long as

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Of all the short stories I’ve written (there aren’t really that many) this is my favorite, about Jimmy, the sexton in a large metropolitan parish,

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The Christmas King

(Twenty years or more ago during the week before Christmas Eve I was pondering what it was about the baby Jesus that led the shepherds

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Of the short stories I’ve written, this is my wife, Sara’s favorite. I should caution you before you begin that the language in it is

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