And he said to them, “Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house, who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.” (Matthew 13:52, ESV)

A Lifetime of Writings

Week Ten

Hearing the Father’s Heart for Us  Amos 7:7-17 or Deuteronomy 30:9-14, Psalm 82 or Psalm 25:1-10, Colossians 1:1-14, Luke 10:25-37   Moses said to the people

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Judgment Day!

This short story grew out of my meditations on Jesus’ command to “Enter by the narrow gate.” It was Judgment Day! It seemed that Drael

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My Story

My name is Jeff Krantz. I’m a semi-retired Episcopal priest with a deep love for the Scriptures and for teaching. I’ve also had a rather atypical journey as an Episcopalian, one that has been characterized by a hunger for the things of the Spirit, and a lot of different attempts to satisfy that hunger.

This website is the result of my desire to agglomerate as much of the stuff that I’ve written over the years as I can into one place. There are a number of weekly reflections on the Scriptures, but also some pieces that were written to encourage others to discover for themselves a greater intimacy with God and to appropriate and share the gifts the Spirit has in store for them.